Log In / Registration
You may search/browse for products, view product details, and add items to your basket without registering. However, registration is required to use some of the extra features and to place orders on this website.
Why Register?
If you register online, you can take advantage of the following features of this site:
- Online live chat with product technical support
- Status tracking information on recently placed orders
- Save shopping baskets for quick reordering
- Create favourites lists
- Easy checkout with saved addresses and payment methods
- Schedule orders for future delivery
- View order status & tracking
- Shopping basket - log in from any computer, tablet, or smart phone device to see items in your shopping basket.
Your security and privacy are important to us. Our registration form is safe and secure. Review our Privacy Statement.
NOTE: If you are an existing offline customer, you must still register to place and view orders online the first time. You will be able to see all your orders under the order status & tracking regardless of whether you placed them by phone, fax, email, or online once your first order has been placed on the web. When registering, we will match your details to your existing account based on the information you provide us on the registration page. Please note that the matching process may take additional time and if your order is placed after working hours or on the weekend/holiday, it may start on the next business day.
Log In
Once you are registered, log in to checkout and use some of the extra features of our website including: live chat with product technical support, saved shopping baskets, favourites lists, order status & tracking, and scheduled orders etc.
NOTE: regarding element14 Community - Your username and password for element14 store and element14 community will be different unless you have set them to be the same. The login systems are separate, and we do not currently pass user information between the two sites. As with registration, we value your security and privacy, our login form is safe and secure. Review our Terms of Use / Privacy Policy.
Problems logging in?
- If you can't remember your username, you can request your username to be sent to the email address on your account.
- If you can't remember your password you can request your password to be reset.
My Account
Forgot Password
If you have forgotten your password, you can easily request your password to be reset.
Change password
If you remember your current password, simply log in and go to the My Account: Change password page and follow the instructions provided.
Related Links
Related Links
Related Links
NOTE: Orders may be delayed while business credit verification is performed.
You can also contact us to set up an account.
- Email customer service: jp-sales@farnell.com
- Phone customer service: 0120-981-643, 9:00am - 5:30pm, Monday - Friday
- a-z A-Z 0-9
- All punctuations and most special characters except ‘|’ ‘,’ (comma) & ‘\’ (Note: fields such as post codes, phone numbers etc. will not accept special characters)