Noise Suppression & Safety Capacitors

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We supply a wide range of Noise Suppression & Safety Capacitors to Delta, X1, X2, Y1 and Y2 suppression classes

What is a noise suppression safety capacitor?

Class-X and Class-Y noise suppression safety capacitors are safety-certified and generally designed and used in AC line filtering in many electronic device applications. These safety capacitors are also known by other names, including EMI/RFI suppression capacitors and AC line filter safety capacitors. (EMI stands for electromagnetic interference and RFI stands for radio-frequency interference; RFI is simply higher-frequency EMI.)

What does a noise suppression capacitor do?

For these capacitors to perform their EMI/RFI filtering tasks, they are directly connected to the AC line and neutral power input. And because of this direct connection to the AC voltage, the capacitors may be subjected to overvoltages and/or voltage transients—lightning strikes, power surges. Thus, capacitor failure is a very real possibility.

When a Class-X capacitor, also referred to as an "across the line capacitor"—the capacitor placed between line and neutral—fails because of an overvoltage event, it is likely to fail short. This failure, in turn, would cause an overcurrent protective device, like a fuse or circuit breaker, to open. Therefore, a capacitor failing in this fashion would not cause any electrical shock hazards.

If a Class-Y capacitor, also known as the "line to ground capacitor" or "the line bypass capacitor"—the capacitor placed between line and ground—fails short, this could lead to a fatal electric shock due to the loss of the ground connection. Class-Y safety capacitors are designed to fail open. A failure will cause your electronic device to be subjected to the noise and interference that the capacitor would normally filter out, but at least there will be no fatal electric shock hazard.

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  Manufacturer Part No Order Code Description / Manufacturer
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B32914A5474M000 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.47 µF, ± 20%, X1, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.47 µF, ± 20%, X1, Through Hole


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1+ ¥551.76 (¥606.94) 10+ ¥424.80 (¥467.28) 25+ ¥401.28 (¥441.41) 50+ ¥384.04 (¥422.44) 100+ ¥329.18 (¥362.10) 280+ ¥285.29 (¥313.82) 1400+ ¥246.10 (¥270.71) 2800+ ¥241.18 (¥265.30) More Pricing...

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Min: 1 Mult: 1
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.47µF 20% X1 Through Hole 330VAC - - 150V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 27.5mm -40°C 110°C B32914 Series - -
B81123C1332M189 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 3300 pF, ± 20%, Y1, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 3300 pF, ± 20%, Y1, Through Hole


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Each (Supplied on Full Reel)

Full Reel

700+ ¥64.59 (¥71.05) 3500+ ¥53.77 (¥59.15) 7000+ ¥52.70 (¥57.97)

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 700 items Multiples of 700 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 700 Mult: 700
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 3300pF 20% Y1 Through Hole - - 500VAC 3kV/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C B81123 Series AEC-Q200 -
B32022B3473K000 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.047 µF, ± 10%, Y2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.047 µF, ± 10%, Y2, Through Hole


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5+ ¥249.56 (¥274.52) 50+ ¥122.06 (¥134.27) 250+ ¥110.68 (¥121.75) 500+ ¥91.27 (¥100.40) 1000+ ¥85.20 (¥93.72) 2000+ ¥81.08 (¥89.19) 10000+ ¥76.95 (¥84.65) 20000+ ¥75.42 (¥82.96) More Pricing...

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Minimum order of 5 items Multiples of 5 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 5 Mult: 5
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.047µF 10% Y2 Through Hole - - 300VAC 600V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C B32022 Series - -
B32922C3473K189 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.047 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.047 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


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Each (Supplied on Full Reel)

Full Reel

5200+ ¥29.16 (¥32.08) 26000+ ¥29.00 (¥31.90) 52000+ ¥28.42 (¥31.26)

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 5200 items Multiples of 5200 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 5200 Mult: 5200
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.047µF 10% X2 Through Hole 305VAC - - 340V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C B32922 Series - -
R46KR422040M2M - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 2.2 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 2.2 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


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1+ ¥293.13 (¥322.44) 10+ ¥221.02 (¥243.12) 50+ ¥194.37 (¥213.81) 288+ ¥151.11 (¥166.22) 576+ ¥147.51 (¥162.26) 1152+ ¥144.22 (¥158.64) 2016+ ¥140.92 (¥155.01) 4032+ ¥138.11 (¥151.92) More Pricing...

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Minimum order of 1 items Multiples of 1 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 1 Mult: 1
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 2.2µF 20% X2 Through Hole 275VAC - - 150V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 27.5mm -40°C 110°C R46 Series - -
R413I168050T0K - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 6800 pF, ± 10%, Y2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 6800 pF, ± 10%, Y2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥38.10 (¥41.91) 100+ ¥24.61 (¥27.07) 500+ ¥24.14 (¥26.55) 1000+ ¥23.67 (¥26.04) 2000+ ¥23.20 (¥25.52) 4000+ ¥22.73 (¥25.00) 8000+ ¥22.26 (¥24.49) 20000+ ¥21.99 (¥24.19) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 6800pF 10% Y2 Through Hole - - 300VAC 600V/µs - GRADE III (Test Condition B) 15mm -40°C 125°C R41T Series AEC-Q200 -
F339X244730KKI2B0 - Safety Capacitor, THB Grade IIB, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.47 µF, ± 10%, X2


Safety Capacitor, THB Grade IIB, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.47 µF, ± 10%, X2


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1+ ¥261.26 (¥287.39) 5+ ¥205.40 (¥225.94) 10+ ¥181.43 (¥199.57) 25+ ¥168.18 (¥185.00) 50+ ¥156.02 (¥171.62) 125+ ¥141.39 (¥155.53) 625+ ¥132.69 (¥145.96) 1250+ ¥129.38 (¥142.32) More Pricing...

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Minimum order of 1 items Multiples of 1 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 1 Mult: 1
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.47µF 10% X2 Through Hole 305VAC - - 100V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition B) 27.5mm -40°C 105°C F339X2 Series AEC-Q200 -
F862BK104K310ZV054 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.1 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.1 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥66.47 (¥73.12) 50+ ¥62.94 (¥69.23) 100+ ¥59.41 (¥65.35) 750+ ¥42.95 (¥47.25) 1500+ ¥41.07 (¥45.18) 2250+ ¥39.19 (¥43.11) 4490+ ¥37.31 (¥41.04) 8230+ ¥36.57 (¥40.23) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.1µF 10% X2 Through Hole 310VAC - - 400V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition B) 15mm -40°C 110°C F862 V054 Series AEC-Q200 -
R413I13304000M - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 3300 pF, ± 20%, Y2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 3300 pF, ± 20%, Y2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥47.97 (¥52.77) 100+ ¥33.71 (¥37.08) 500+ ¥31.83 (¥35.01) 1000+ ¥29.94 (¥32.93) 2000+ ¥26.03 (¥28.63) 4000+ ¥25.51 (¥28.06) 8000+ ¥24.99 (¥27.49) 20000+ ¥24.47 (¥26.92) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 3300pF 20% Y2 Through Hole - - 300VAC 600V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C R41 Series AEC-Q200 -
B32032A4103M000 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.01 µF, ± 20%, Y2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.01 µF, ± 20%, Y2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥53.30 (¥58.63) 100+ ¥46.56 (¥51.22) 500+ ¥38.25 (¥42.08) 1000+ ¥32.45 (¥35.70) 2000+ ¥32.11 (¥35.32) 4000+ ¥31.76 (¥34.94) 20000+ ¥31.42 (¥34.56) 40000+ ¥31.07 (¥34.18) More Pricing...

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Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.01µF 20% Y2 Through Hole - - 350VAC 600V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C B32032 Series AEC-Q200 -
B32913A5154M000 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.15 µF, ± 20%, X1, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.15 µF, ± 20%, X1, Through Hole


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5+ ¥330.75 (¥363.83) 50+ ¥177.13 (¥194.84) 250+ ¥161.46 (¥177.61) 500+ ¥148.29 (¥163.12) 1000+ ¥135.12 (¥148.63) 2040+ ¥134.97 (¥148.47) 10200+ ¥132.28 (¥145.51) 20400+ ¥129.58 (¥142.54) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 5 items Multiples of 5 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 5 Mult: 5
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.15µF 20% X1 Through Hole 530VAC - - 200V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 22.5mm -40°C 110°C B32913 Series - -
R413I247050T0K - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.047 µF, ± 10%, Y2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.047 µF, ± 10%, Y2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥92.49 (¥101.74) 50+ ¥83.48 (¥91.83) 100+ ¥74.46 (¥81.91) 500+ ¥60.82 (¥66.90) 1000+ ¥52.36 (¥57.60) 2000+ ¥49.70 (¥54.67) 4000+ ¥47.03 (¥51.73) 8000+ ¥46.09 (¥50.70) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 47000pF 10% Y2 Through Hole - - 300VAC 600V/µs - GRADE III (Test Condition B) 15mm -40°C 125°C R41T Series AEC-Q200 -
R463F222040N0M - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.022 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.022 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥45.42 (¥49.96) 100+ ¥39.07 (¥42.98) 500+ ¥28.95 (¥31.85) 1000+ ¥24.60 (¥27.06) 1800+ ¥19.37 (¥21.31)

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Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 22000pF 20% X2 Through Hole 310VAC - - 500V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 10mm -40°C 110°C R46 Series - -
B32912A3154M000 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.15 µF, ± 20%, X1, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.15 µF, ± 20%, X1, Through Hole


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1+ ¥120.93 (¥133.02) 10+ ¥105.96 (¥116.56) 50+ ¥87.65 (¥96.42) 100+ ¥78.59 (¥86.45) 200+ ¥72.48 (¥79.73) 500+ ¥67.76 (¥74.54) 2500+ ¥63.23 (¥69.55) 5000+ ¥62.04 (¥68.24) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 1 items Multiples of 1 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 1 Mult: 1
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.15µF 20% X1 Through Hole 330VAC - - 400V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C B32912 Series - -
F862BY474K310ZV054 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.47 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.47 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥91.70 (¥100.87) 50+ ¥85.59 (¥94.15) 100+ ¥79.48 (¥87.43) 510+ ¥66.94 (¥73.63) 1020+ ¥64.17 (¥70.59) 2040+ ¥61.40 (¥67.54) 4080+ ¥58.63 (¥64.49) 8160+ ¥56.91 (¥62.60) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.47µF 10% X2 Through Hole 310VAC - - 400V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition B) 15mm -40°C 110°C F862 V054 Series AEC-Q200 -
R46KI3100JBM1K - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.1 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.1 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥37.00 (¥40.70) 100+ ¥25.56 (¥28.12) 500+ ¥23.42 (¥25.76) 1000+ ¥21.28 (¥23.41) 2000+ ¥19.13 (¥21.04) 4000+ ¥18.75 (¥20.63) 8000+ ¥18.37 (¥20.21) 20000+ ¥17.99 (¥19.79) More Pricing...

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Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.1µF 10% X2 Through Hole 275VAC - - 400V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C R46 Series - -
R463I310040M1M - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.1 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.1 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥47.03 (¥51.73) 100+ ¥32.92 (¥36.21) 500+ ¥31.51 (¥34.66) 1000+ ¥30.10 (¥33.11) 2000+ ¥25.56 (¥28.12) 4000+ ¥24.99 (¥27.49) 8000+ ¥24.41 (¥26.85) 20000+ ¥23.83 (¥26.21) More Pricing...

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Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.1µF 20% X2 Through Hole 310VAC - - 400V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C R46 Series - -
B32924A4225M000 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 2.2 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 2.2 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


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1+ ¥815.10 (¥896.61) 10+ ¥708.51 (¥779.36) 50+ ¥590.95 (¥650.05) 200+ ¥521.98 (¥574.18) 400+ ¥512.58 (¥563.84) 720+ ¥503.17 (¥553.49) 3600+ ¥493.11 (¥542.42) 7200+ ¥483.05 (¥531.36) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 1 items Multiples of 1 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 1 Mult: 1
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 2.2µF 20% X2 Through Hole 305VAC - - 80V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 27.5mm -40°C 110°C B32924 Series AEC-Q200 -
R413I147050T0K - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 4700 pF, ± 10%, Y2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 4700 pF, ± 10%, Y2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥46.87 (¥51.56) 100+ ¥31.67 (¥34.84) 500+ ¥29.71 (¥32.68) 1000+ ¥27.75 (¥30.53) 2000+ ¥25.56 (¥28.12) 4000+ ¥25.14 (¥27.65) 8000+ ¥24.72 (¥27.19) 20000+ ¥24.30 (¥26.73) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 4700pF 10% Y2 Through Hole - - 300VAC 600V/µs - GRADE III (Test Condition B) 15mm -40°C 125°C R41T Series AEC-Q200 -
B32922C3684K189 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.68 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.68 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


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Each (Supplied on Cut Tape)

Cut Tape
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3288121 in Full Reel

5+ ¥178.70 (¥196.57) 50+ ¥119.45 (¥131.40) 250+ ¥84.34 (¥92.77) 500+ ¥81.99 (¥90.19)

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 5 items Multiples of 5 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 5 Mult: 5
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.68µF 10% X2 Through Hole 305VAC - - 475V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C B32922 Series - -
B32912B3224M189 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.22 µF, ± 20%, X1, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.22 µF, ± 20%, X1, Through Hole


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Each (Supplied on Full Reel)

Full Reel

2800+ ¥76.50 (¥84.15) 14000+ ¥74.97 (¥82.47) 28000+ ¥73.44 (¥80.78)

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 2800 items Multiples of 2800 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 2800 Mult: 2800
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.22µF 20% X1 Through Hole 330VAC - - 400V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -40°C 110°C B32912 Series - -
F862FC105K310ZV054 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 1 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 1 µF, ± 10%, X2, Through Hole


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1+ ¥246.10 (¥270.71) 10+ ¥184.97 (¥203.47) 50+ ¥161.93 (¥178.12) 300+ ¥138.89 (¥152.78) 600+ ¥110.83 (¥121.91) 1200+ ¥97.82 (¥107.60) 2100+ ¥94.53 (¥103.98) 4200+ ¥91.23 (¥100.35) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 1 items Multiples of 1 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 1 Mult: 1
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 1µF 10% X2 Through Hole 310VAC - - 150V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition B) 27.5mm -40°C 110°C F862 V054 Series AEC-Q200 -
BFC233862223 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.022 µF, ± 20%, Y2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.022 µF, ± 20%, Y2, Through Hole


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1+ ¥435.77 (¥479.35) 10+ ¥299.40 (¥329.34) 50+ ¥293.13 (¥322.44) 200+ ¥272.75 (¥300.03) 400+ ¥223.38 (¥245.72) 750+ ¥174.00 (¥191.40) 3750+ ¥163.19 (¥179.51) 7500+ ¥152.37 (¥167.61) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

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Min: 1 Mult: 1
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 22000pF 20% Y2 Through Hole - - 300VAC 100V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 15mm -55°C 105°C MKP338 6 Series AEC-Q200 -
R413F1100DQ00M - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 1000 pF, ± 20%, Y2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PP, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 1000 pF, ± 20%, Y2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥45.64 (¥50.20) 100+ ¥35.85 (¥39.44) 500+ ¥30.61 (¥33.67) 1000+ ¥26.05 (¥28.66) 2000+ ¥23.60 (¥25.96) 4000+ ¥22.49 (¥24.74) 8000+ ¥21.82 (¥24.00) 20000+ ¥21.60 (¥23.76) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PP Radial Box - 2 Pin 1000pF 20% Y2 Through Hole - - 300VAC 800V/µs - GRADE II (Test Condition A) 10mm -40°C 110°C R41 Series AEC-Q200 -
B32932A3104M000 - Safety Capacitor, Metallized PET, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.1 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


Safety Capacitor, Metallized PET, Radial Box - 2 Pin, 0.1 µF, ± 20%, X2, Through Hole


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10+ ¥66.00 (¥72.60) 100+ ¥53.77 (¥59.15) 500+ ¥44.84 (¥49.32) 1000+ ¥37.62 (¥41.38) 2000+ ¥37.23 (¥40.95) 4000+ ¥36.83 (¥40.51) 20000+ ¥36.44 (¥40.08) 40000+ ¥36.04 (¥39.64) More Pricing...

Restricted Item

Minimum order of 10 items Multiples of 10 only Please enter a valid quantity

Min: 10 Mult: 10
Metallized PET Radial Box - 2 Pin 0.1µF 20% X2 Through Hole 305VAC - - 90V/µs - GRADE III (Test Condition B) 15mm -40°C 105°C B32932 Series AEC-Q200 -